29 Nov 2012

How to apply False Eyelashes + Review of Eldora H151 Lashes.

I get asked this many times so I thought I'll do a short blog post on how to apply false eyelashes as well as a review on the Eldora eyelashes I used.
I'm quite a fan of Eldora Lashes but if I don't like something I will tell you all. I hate it when I spend money on something and end up regretting it. We don't all have money to chuck away :( 
Eldora False Eyelashes in H151
As far as the lashes go.... I really do love them. Thier my new favourite and you'll see why. I've been lookin g for lashes like these for like ever. It's heavy at the base of the lash strip and  sparse at the tips. Because of it's uneven lengths, it allows your natrual lashes to blend effortlessly. Eldora have great packaging and each lash comes with a tube of lash adhesive. The eyelashes cost £4.25 and free UK delivery! However these lashes were kindly sent to me to review. The lashes are re-usable but you have to take care of the lash after each wear :)

Lashes, Package and Glue
A link to the site: http://www.eldorashop.co.uk/

Right.... how to apply false lashes.
First you want to carefully peel away the lashes from the tray. To do this I usually pick at one end and pull away.
You then want to place it on your lash line WITHOUT any glue so that you can measure and check if you need to cut the length. With my deep smokey eye look I didn't have to cut the length, however when I wore the lashes with a pin up look I had to cut the strip a little at the end. I think this is because the lash strip was more apparent. 
When appling the glue things can get messy. So the best way to handle the lash is to hold it with a pair of tweezers. (See below) Squeeze down gently on the centre of the lash with the strip facing upwards.
Sqeeze out an even amount of glue along the lash strip, concentrating the glue more on the ends of the strip. Wait around 30-50secs for the glue to become tacky. If you apply the lashes straight away the glue will go all over you natural lashes and your eyelid. Although the glue dries clear it still leaves a shine behind. With the glue being tacky you can prevent the glue going all over the lid and ruining your eyeshadow and the lashes sit better and quicker on your lash line. Trust me it makes it a billion times easier to apply.  
Try not to get glue onto the lash like me.. if you do jus dab it off.
Then it's just a case of you fiddling around and making sure it's placed as close the the lash line as possible. Remember, while the glue is still apparent, it means your able to still fiddle and move the lash around. Then to cover up the strip, which isn't to visible you need to go over you eyeliner.
It was  quite hard taking pictures whilst applying the Lashes but here's how I hold and place them onto my lash line.
Oh a tip, apply your eyeliner before you apply your false lashes but be sure to use a pencil, shadow or gel liner. I say this because with liquid liner you have to make sure its fully dry, but even then the glue doesn't seem to sit well. I'm not sure why and this can ruin the whole application. So apply liquid liner AFTER you've applied your falsies.

How the lashes look, looking down

Lashes with my eyes open
Hope this blog post was handy and if you do purchase the Eldora H151 Lashes than let me know what you think of them.

13 Oct 2012

DIY Lip Palette

A quick DIY post on a very cheap and easy lip palette. I have to give all credit to a youtube guru who I came across when looking for a cheap alternative to the Japanesque palettes. Shes known as wildkatmakeup and here are some links to her Blog and YouTube videos.


32 Watercolour Palette
The watercolour palette used, can only be found in WHSmith here in the UK for about £3.99. I'm not sure if they have it anywhere else outside of the UK. Sorry!! Once you open the wrapper and remove the paints you will find the palette hidden underneath...


I wouldn't recommend you doing this for personal lipsticks. Only because I wouldnt want to destroy my lipsticks for no given reason. Anyway I think it's a great way to save space for travelling makeup artist. And it actually is fun to do, well once you get over the gruelling stage of cutting off your lipsticks.

So to begin with you will need:
Paper towels
Table spoon
Tea spoon
A candle
Old newspaper or anything else you can use (to lay out to avoid getting a mess everywere)
Alcohol spirit / Rub

First and most important rule is to sanitize EVERYTHING. Literally. Using water to clean products is a no no, as water, overtime can build up germs. So even between lipsticks you want to clean with the sanitizer. 
Surgical Spirit to sanitize..

You want to also lay out the lipsticks in the order that you want them to be in, in the palette.  For e.g. pinks, reds, browns...

Once you have done the above, oh and also laid out some newspaper to avoid getting a mess everywhere, grab your first lipstick and your scissors. NOTE this can get extremely messy and you probably won't get it right the first time. After many attempts I worked out that about 1.5cm of the lipstick was enough to fill up one slot.

With the scissors you want to slice the lipstick at an angle.  Like so.....

Then it's as simple as melting the lipstick and pouring it into the slot. See pics below.

And then using the paper towels, sanitise and repeat.  :)

So yeah..... it really is as simple as that. And from my pictures you can see that after a lot of go's I finally got it right and had them look perfect. :)

The palette doesn't burn, it's sturdy and just such a money saver.

Thank you wildkatmakeup!! ;)

Ps. Yes the technique I've used is different to that of wildkatmakeup, and I've done a second palette since and shall upload a pic soon x

10 Oct 2012

Sigma Makeup Brush Review

The long awaited Sigma Brush review...

The Goodies :)
Before I start, if you wish to know more about where I bought my Sigma brushes from then please read the Sigma Makeup Brushes - Cost, Delivery etc blog post here -----> 

I know this review has taken some time to be posted and I apologize but..... it means i've had time to actually use and test out the brushes :)

Below is a list of the items I bought and this price...
  1. Brush Cup Holder - $20
  2. E40 Tapered Blending - $22
  3. E45 Small Tapered Blending - $9
  4. F23 Tapered Face - $22
  5. F35 Tapered Highlighter - $16
  6. F80 Flat Kabuki - $16
  7. F82 Round Kabuki - $16
  8. Synthetic Precision Kit - $49 (P80 - Precision Flat, P82 - Precision Round, P84 - Precision Angled, P86 - Precision Tapered)
I won't make this review a long one  and I did have a picture of all the brushes for you guys but I seem to have deleted it so will upload one, once my brushes have been cleaned :) So lets get started....

Before you start using any new brushes its vital to clean give them a good clean, so to do this I used the MAC Brush Cleanser. (Pictured above) Firstly the Brush Cup Holder.... I was mega excited to get my hands on this, specially at the fact that its not available here in the UK. It looks good, stores a lot of brushes and is really convenient. It does take up a lot of space so now I use it to hold my personal brushes. 
The E40 Tapered Blending is one of my favourite brushes out the lot. Its an amazing blending brush for your eyelid crease or your concealer. However the size of the brush will make it harder to use on smaller eyelids. 
The E45 Small Tapered Blending is another great brush for blending and also creating a cut crease. 
The F23 Tapered Face was a brush I wanted for a very loooong time. Its perfect to use as a powder brush for your face, more for setting than blusher as its really big and super soft.
The F35 Tapered Highlighter is great for.... highlighting :) its the perfect size and as all the other brushes, super soft. Its also great for soft contouring of the face. 
The F80 Flat Kabuki is my new favourite foundation brush!! It perfectly blends the foundation into your skin and really leaves an airbrush feel. 
The F82 Round Kabuki another great foundation brush and works well blending around the nose and under the eye area. 
And lastly the Synthetic Precision Kit, a great set that has many different uses. The P80 & P82 are great brushes for blending in your concealers, correctors. I've used them with my cream concealers and I love it! The P84 & P86 are ideal for contouring and also great for highlighting. The P86 is perfect to contour the nose... which I need a lot :(

The Goodies.....again :)
I also received a freebie pictured below. Part of their eyeshadow palettes, which I want soooooo bad. The colour I received is Shine, which is a shimmery black with specks of silvery glitter... I think. Haven't used it yet, but thank it will look sexy as a smokey eye look. :) 

Sigma eyeshadow in Shine
I hope this review helped you guys... and if you have any questions then please don't hesitate to ask. 
(Click on the Sigma banner  -------> here and it will take you to the Sigma site. :)