13 Oct 2012

DIY Lip Palette

A quick DIY post on a very cheap and easy lip palette. I have to give all credit to a youtube guru who I came across when looking for a cheap alternative to the Japanesque palettes. Shes known as wildkatmakeup and here are some links to her Blog and YouTube videos.


32 Watercolour Palette
The watercolour palette used, can only be found in WHSmith here in the UK for about £3.99. I'm not sure if they have it anywhere else outside of the UK. Sorry!! Once you open the wrapper and remove the paints you will find the palette hidden underneath...


I wouldn't recommend you doing this for personal lipsticks. Only because I wouldnt want to destroy my lipsticks for no given reason. Anyway I think it's a great way to save space for travelling makeup artist. And it actually is fun to do, well once you get over the gruelling stage of cutting off your lipsticks.

So to begin with you will need:
Paper towels
Table spoon
Tea spoon
A candle
Old newspaper or anything else you can use (to lay out to avoid getting a mess everywere)
Alcohol spirit / Rub

First and most important rule is to sanitize EVERYTHING. Literally. Using water to clean products is a no no, as water, overtime can build up germs. So even between lipsticks you want to clean with the sanitizer. 
Surgical Spirit to sanitize..

You want to also lay out the lipsticks in the order that you want them to be in, in the palette.  For e.g. pinks, reds, browns...

Once you have done the above, oh and also laid out some newspaper to avoid getting a mess everywhere, grab your first lipstick and your scissors. NOTE this can get extremely messy and you probably won't get it right the first time. After many attempts I worked out that about 1.5cm of the lipstick was enough to fill up one slot.

With the scissors you want to slice the lipstick at an angle.  Like so.....

Then it's as simple as melting the lipstick and pouring it into the slot. See pics below.

And then using the paper towels, sanitise and repeat.  :)

So yeah..... it really is as simple as that. And from my pictures you can see that after a lot of go's I finally got it right and had them look perfect. :)

The palette doesn't burn, it's sturdy and just such a money saver.

Thank you wildkatmakeup!! ;)

Ps. Yes the technique I've used is different to that of wildkatmakeup, and I've done a second palette since and shall upload a pic soon x

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